Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday Updates

A tough week, a good week.

First off, our French lessons are driving us crazy. Well be going into this more in further posts.

We spent the week editing the Battle of Point Wilderness in World War 1990: Poland. This is the second to last chapter we need to write. It's ok and does what we want. But still, something is not quite right. Reader(s) know what this means: sit phase. Just walk away for a while.

We no longer know what to think or do about Pershing in Command. Honestly we've probably over-edited at this point and are just being too nitpicky.

On the good side the Austrian Painter just got it's 13th review:

Any fan of AltHist sees the truth behind the central character from page 1 and I was not sure what to expect. I’ll give the author credit though because he wrote an engaging and well-crafted story that somehow avoided the obvious pitfalls it could have driven into. I am still conflicted by the subject but it’s a worthy read.

Quite right. That's the point of the book. Without WWI Hitler is a nice old man painting post cards for American tourists. 

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