Thursday, May 17, 2018

Write Kids

Michael Chabon, of whom I had never heard until reading this piece, has published fourteen novels, and talks about being advised never to have children. The author who advised him to be barren said each child would be a novel he never got to write.

'“You can write great books,” the great man continued. “Or you can have kids. It's up to you.”'

Had this moron every heard of nap-time? How about parking the baby in the car seat with some blocks to play with? Or maybe just turning on Wow Wow Wubzy?

[Wow Wow Wubzy? Jesus. -Ed]

Chabon takes us through a list of literary figures well known in the literary world but mostly unknown to us 'regular people'.*

Edgar Allan Poe? I only know of him becuase of the Simpsons' Halloween Special.

Eudora Welty? I had to read one of her books for an English class at an undisclosed non-Jesuit Washington D.C. University.




O'Connor? That could mean anybody.

Chekhov? The guy from Star Trek, right?

[Really? That was obvious low hanging fruit-Ed]

Yes and I am looking for American nuclear wessels!

dJohn Cheever? That's the guy Susan's dad had an affair with on Seinfeld.

Whatever. We've read some of the 20th century Americans, and we think Richard Russo is a genius. One can get away with just watching the movies if one wishes. I really have no use for these great works of which Chabon's advisor spoke.

Chabon has four children.

*You know the drill. Get the reference post it first in comments to get a free book.