Wednesday, June 13, 2018

California Trio

So the plan to split California into three states has made the November ballot.

Not being Californian we can't say how much sense the proposed three states make, though a North California based on San Francisco and a South California based on Los Angeles make sense to us. Click over for a map of the proposed three state solution.**

California is a state that sets it self apart. Here is a progressive utopia trying to enforce the rules of progressivism all it's own: high taxes, gun control, heck there's even an attempt to enforce Net Neutrality there. 

Anyone else notice Net Neutrality died yesterday? Yeah, me neither.

Of course as a New Yorker by birth we were raised to hate California on principal.

We think there is a 1/3 chance the United States will be in a civil war in a decade. We think there is a better than 50/50 chance that President Trump, or his successor, say President Pence or President Haley* will have to send Federal Troops to a progressive municipality to enforce Federal law the way Jackson did with the tariff or Ike did with school desegregation.

In that light, we feel some sort of separation is not only possible but preferable.

*We hope Haley.
**We actually know someone who owns a house on the Salton Sea

1 comment:

  1. North cali would be a progressive bastion. Southern would be a conservative bastion. Central would be semi moderate.
