Thursday, June 14, 2018

Pershing's War:1919

We've been reading Pershing's War:1919, slowly, casually, about a section a day, just to try to get things cleaned up by the time we're ready to finish. Right now we have 30,000 words. About halfway, maybe less depending on how things go.

As noted before we more or less like what we see. We've been more descriptive, the scenes are longer, usually 750-1000 words or more.

One problem, though.

The Austrian Painter was about the world of 1964 if the Great War turned out differently. Its purpose was to describe that world and how much better the course of history would have been. So far, all we really have with Pershing's War: 1919 is a clever idea, well executed, a 'what if?' that Pershing himself wondered about the rest of his life.

Aside from that, what is the purpose of this book?

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