Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Poverty This

Hotair tells us that the Southern Poverty Law Center has to pony-up $3.7 million big ones:
The Southern Poverty Law Center has made an apology and agreed to a $3.3 million settlement in a lawsuit over its “Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists.” When the Field Guide was published in 2016 it included the name of Maajid Nawaz, a British Muslim who runs the Quilliam Foundation.
Don't feel bad for the shysters at the SPLC.* They have an endowment of over $300 dollars. For them this is a  modest payoff. The SPLC is in fact, a highly successful direct mail marketing operations and its founder, Morris Dees is in the direct marketing hall of fame.

The whole direct mail marketing idea was come up with my one Richard Viguerie, who realized in the early 70s that there was no law against politicians writing people and begging them for money.

Morris Dees at the SPLC has mastered the art of direct mail fundraising, which is basically to scare the wits or out of or anger whomever is reading the letter into sending you a check.

As it happens we wrote direct mail fund raising letters for a year. They began something like this:

I'm writing you Mr. Feldercarb becuase without your donation to Americans for all things American, America will become communist.
You people think we're kidding, but that's what we wrote.

So the SPLC's hyper-excitement about Trump unleashing the next race war makes sense. How else to get little old ladies to send money?

 *Oh go ahead and sue me, Dees. I dare you.

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