Monday, July 16, 2018

Write That

So we cracked open The Final Storm yesterday and realized it's 50,000 words. That's like a month's work, people.

So let's focus on that between now and the trip to Europe this August in which we will commiserate with our new French friends.

On the future projects front we are expending some mental energy on To Liberate Mars and have come up with some good ideas. God, it's fun thinking of stuff like that. 

On a related note we are a very amateur astronomer and have a telescope up here in the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction (Berkshires, Massachusetts). Last night we pointed the telescope at Jupiter and saw two of her moons. Also, Mars is making a close approach. Those interested can simply pop outside after 10 EST, and look in the south/southeast sky. Mars is a giant red dot. You can't miss it.

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