Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Irish Beefed on Brexit

We have our finger on the pulse of British politics of course, with deep reach inside Parliament and contacts both within and without Mrs. May's government.

That is why we can tell you that Prime Minister May is poised to win the no confidence vote triggered by her humiliating and historic defeat in the Commons.

[Or you just read the Telegraph this morning-Ed]

May survives, but at this point, with Brexit looming in March, there is no deal. That is, Britain Leaves the EU without any new parameters for her dealings with the EU. It's like ripping a Band Aid or chopping off an appendage, Anthony Hopkins style or Herschel in The Walking Dead, if one prefers.


Like our own so-called government shutdown here in America, nothing will happen.

Remainers have launched Project Fear version, I dunno, infinity.

We just read an article fearing the price of food will rise becuase the Limeys won't be able to import Irish beef.

Vraiment? That's the best they can do?

We are reminded of a friend of ours complaining that the last government shutdown here in America cost the GOP the governor's race in Virginia. The complainer  was a member of the GOP-e, of course.

Gee, you don't suppose there's someone else out there who would love to make a deal to export beef to Britain do you? 'I got a great deal for you, Terry. It's going to be a fabulous deal, the best, the best deal, just great. These steaks, they'll go great with ketchup.'

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