Sunday, January 29, 2017

Look Who Isn't Hitler Anymore

You knew this would happen, right? Liberals pining for the quiet gentlemen George W. Bush. The indefatigable Kyle Smith quotes:

Then, last weekend on “Saturday Night Live,” host Aziz Ansari praised Dubya in his monologue, noting that “George W Bush made a speech after 9/11, and it really helped. Things changed . . . He said Islam is peace.” Bush’s speech was met with overwhelming, bipartisan approval, Ansari noted: “It was about basic human decency and remembering why the country was founded in the first place.” Then the comic caught himself thinking, “What the hell has happened? I’m sitting here wistfully watching old George W. Bush speeches?’ Just sitting there like, ‘What a leader he was! . . . He guided us with his eloquence!’ ”
Of course Aziz Asnari is a misogynist  who brags about schtooping white girls.

The left loves no Republican like it loves the Republican of  the past.

I have noted for years that one day progressives will tell their grand kids they voted for W. He was a good president, and only a partisan incapable of understanding the other side thinks different. The case being:

-W rallied the nation
-W kept us safe after 9/11
-W liberated Afghanistan
-W is the victor of Iraq
-W prevented complete economic collapse via TARP.

There are a lot of small things I like about him, stem cells, AIDS drugs for Africa, the nuclear deal with India, but the above mentioned are the big things.

We've noted a lot of the bad things W did. Steel tariffs, campaign finance deform, NCLB, deficits, a lack of the big vision thing. I'll ad to that refusing to fight the media and the left.

Faults aside W was a good president. Heck, he was near great. One day he'll have a carrier named after him, just like his dad does now, another good president, by the way

W. was an inherently decent person, and the left made him out to be Chimpy McHitler. Sounds familiar?

Oh by the way, during the 2000 primaries, I voted for my man John Wayne McCain.

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