Monday, August 28, 2017

Are we George Lucas?

In a previous post we remarked that we write what we want and no one tells us different.

Of course George Lucas films what he wants and no one tells him different. It shows, doesn't it.

Now, George Lucas came up with a great idea with Star Wars, but the movie is so good because he was surrounded by film pros, like editor Richard Chiu, who knew how to make films. Also, Lucas didn't have a lot of juice yet and there were people around and above him that could tell him no.

If only someone had been able to say, 'George, enough with the stupid flying cars'.

So why aren't we George Lucas?

Simple. We don't live on a yuuge ranch in California like Lucas.

We live in a nice four bedroom home in a pleasant New Jersey suburb. We are surrounded by real people, none of whom think we are a deity to our craft. When one lives with three precocious blondes and a corporate exec suit, one learns one's place.

So we are firmly grounded in reality.

[Really, you think so?-Ed]

Ok, ok, Ed tells me no, but Ed is also the line editor. And I leaned a long time ago not mess with Ed. Ed can really punch.

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