Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In which modern life imitates Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea

From the Times of Israel:

Sinwar said that with Iran’s help, Hamas is accumulating military power in preparation for a battle for “the liberation of Palestine.”
Hamas is “developing our military strength in order to liberate Palestine,” Sinwar said, but he also stressed that it does not seek war for now “and takes every effort to avoid a war… At the same time we are not afraid of a war and are ready for it.”
“The Iranian military support to Hamas and al-Qassam is strategic,” he added, saying the relationship had “become fantastic and returned to its former era.”
This is not new necessarily. During Operation Cast lead in 2008 Israel worked very hard to annhilate Hamas' Iranian Unit, and did so down to the last man. One can read more about that in our own Israel at War.

There be urban warfare, there will be missiles as well, but these are just not very effective, especially given Israel's Iron Dome.

Anyhoo... We never thought we'd write a sequel to Israel Strikes. Then we got the idea for War of the Red Sea. Here Iran, seeking revenge for Israel's destruction of its nuclear program, smuggles missiles into Gaza. They set up a network through Sudan, which also happens to be hiding Hezbollah's deposed leader. Israel responds in kind.

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