Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hillary!'s new Plan

Well Hillary! is in the midst of another disastrous book launch. What Happened, (again, that title is so bad you know she insisted on using it) is full of little tidbits that provide a window into how the !@#$ thinks. She has absolutely no self awareness and no ability to assume blame for her loss.

Reader(s) won't need me to go through this with them, will they?

Via Hot Air, reasonable Democrat Doug Schoen looks at this latest bit of Hillary! wreckage and says its time for Hillary! to step aside:

Today, the likelihood of Clinton exiting the national spotlight and allowing a new generation of party leaders to emerge appears to be slim. Clinton’s continued effort to be a leading figure in the party could severely hurt chances for Democrats in 2018, as well as 2020. As I have said before, her terribly unclear agenda, lack of a plan for economic growth and distasteful attacks against Republicans all led to her inevitable loss. She simply does not stand for anything…
We'll come back to that.

Jane Pauley [She's still alive?-Ed] notes:

Former FBI Director James Comey, Russian meddling and the media — she singles out several journalists by name — come in for a beating, while she also lays blame at the feet of Bernie Sanders, Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, sexism and the electoral system itself.
Let's get something straight. Hillary! lost because she's a bad candidate. Her voice, her cackle its man repellent, and repellent to 52% of white women as well. She is old and desperately tired, so sick she needed to take the weekends off. She took the blue wall states of MI, PA, and WI for granted.

She also lost because she's a bad person, lousy, no good. Do a google search, reader(s). Look up what she did to people like Billy Dale at the White House Travel Office. That's just for starters.

As far Hillary! stepping aside, well, we don't think so.

She's already set up a PAC, and one of her lick-spittles has built this bizarre Verrit social media site for distraught  Hillary! voters.

We see a plan emerging. In 2018 Chelsea will run for congress in our old NY 19 congressional district to keep the Clinton name viable. Hillary! claims she is done being a candidate yet she has already set up a vast campaign organization. Of course the Clintons still control the Democrat Party. This will enable them to edge out potential candidates, fake Indian Elizabeth Warren, half-Indian Kamala (I was Willie Brown's concubine) Harris. The field for 2020 will look weaker than it already is.

The Draft Hillary!! movement will be lead by former VA governor and Clinton lackey Terry Mcauliffe.

We can imagine Hillary!'s announcement speech:
Realizing that America needs a someone who will fight for women and minorities in this time of crisis it is with reluctance that I announce my candidacy for President of the United States.
Why not? She's been doing the same thing for 25 years. Why stop now?

However, we stand by our previous statements about Hillary!'s health. If the Parkinson's doesn't get her the syphilis she contracted from sex-addict Bill will.. Or maybe she'll just have too much to drink one night and have another bad slip and fall.

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