What does China do about it?
Many details remain to be threshed out, of course.
As California has seceded valued reader Donald Harris wonders if the American south should be a separate nation. It's been done, actually, in the works of Robert Farigno. Also, with California gone Texas becomes the largest, most influential state and in any such nation southerners probably wouldn't feel the need to secede. An interesting question is whether or not California takes Washington and Oregon with it.
We think there will be some sort of Chavista inspired war with Mexico.
Valued reader Will Carmichael cautions about technology in 2099, orbital weapons and such. What's the point in fighting when you can drop a rock on your enemies from ten miles up? We have considered this ourselves and we haven't decided what to do about it yet. Of course the US hasn't used nukes since 1945 so it can be done.
We're actually envisioning a world with some serious space exploration by China. The idea is the US is shrunken and China is the most powerful and civilized nation on earth.
Another good question is just what kind of government China has? We're no longer naive enough to think the Chinese will become a bunch of Jeffersonian democrats. We're thinking a benign, benevolent Confucianist dictatorship is likely. They would never stomach Islamic encroachment of any kind. In fact the first scene of any such novel show them punishing western Uigers.
China's government in 2099
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