Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Break me off a Piece of that Cali-state

CNBC tells us that plans for a California breakup or outright secession continue apace:
A proposed California secession measure has been cleared to begin gathering needed signatures to qualify for the ballot.  
A similar effort by the so-called Calexit organizers failed last year.  
At the same time, there's an initiative backed by billionaire Tim Draper to split California into three states that could make the Nov. 6 ballot.  
Yet another proposal known as "New California" seeks to carve out rural counties into the 51st state and is critical of the state's sanctuary policies
Here's the plan to breakup the state:

On the surface this breakup map makes sense, though we admit we know nothing about the state. Any California readers want to weigh in? You people know who you are.

Fifty states is a nice round number but there's nothing preventing the creation of more. Perhaps some of these states no longer make sense.

In our own New Jersey the state is really two entities, the north in NYC's orbit, the south in Philadelphia's.* Northern Virginia (NOVA) really has nothing in common with Richmond or Newport News. Western Massachusetts doesn't even exist as far as the rest of the People's Republic is concerned.

Of course we subscribe to the 'Texans and other real Americans' view of the United States, so maybe California secession is for the best. 

 *The dreaded 609 area code.

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