Monday, November 19, 2018

I want my Bibi, my Bibi, my Bibi, my Bibi...

We expected to wake up this morning to news that Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition of 67 seats in the 120 seat Knesset has collapsed, but as of this writing it appears Bibi will survive.

Bibi runs a coalition of right leaning parties with his own Likud which holds 30 seats. His partners include hardcore West Bank settlers, modern secularists, modern orthodox*, Haredi**, and a million or so Russians.*** The coalition partners are all pissed about last week's Gaza fighting, Hamas's kite offensive and the weekly assaults on the border.

We've been skeptical here about another offensive's ability to do anything but 'mow the lawn' as they say. The Israelis will just end up doing it again in a few years.

But maybe it's time to invade Gaza, topple Hamas and re-install Fatah, no?

*Like Joe Liberman, remember him?
** The guys in the black suits with the prayer curls.
*** If you're wondering why Israel has become so much more bellicose over the years, there's one of your answers. These people may be Jews, but they are still Russian. Aerial Sharon was Russian. Aerial Sharon's nickname was 'The Bulldozer'.

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