Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The AEF 100 Years On

Pershing's grand offensive into the Rhine and Saar valleys would have begun 100 years ago today.

Everything he'd been working for built up to this point.

Pershing was now an army group commander on par with Haig and Petain. In the north General Hunter Liggett's First Army had cleared the Meuse Argonne and established several bridgeheads on the east bank of the river. In the south General Robert Lee Bullard's Second Army had steadily pushed east across the Meuse Heights. Before the Second Army lay the Woevre Plain and the fortress city of Metz. As word of the armistice reached his headquarters at Chaumont Pershing was dispatching five divisions to reinforce Bullard for his drive on the city.

Alas it was not to be. 

Pershing's grand offensive that never was. He speculated about what might have been till the of his days.

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