Friday, November 16, 2018

Vote This

So we have another embarrassing vote recount in Florida. The Dems have also opened a fresh new battlefield in Georgia, where Democrat Stacey Abrams insists they should have a runoff election.

Several GOPs who appeared to have won their congressional races have now lost as late votes and recounts have favored their Dem opponents. They always do. The GOP candidate must needs win beyond the margin of lawyer, otherwise the Dem will steal it. Always.

Foreign reader(s) may be baffled at the open corruption (oh boy does incompetent and corrupt Brenda Snipes in Broward Country really take the cake), but this is really pretty standard in America.

We have no idea what voter participation rates are in say, Italy or Poland (in Australia it's 100 percent as voting is mandated by law). Here voter participation is usually in the 50-55% range.

For decades do-gooders have worried about the nation's low voter participation and have come up with many ways to make it easier to vote. Absentee ballots, early voting, provisional ballots, etc etc. In many states people automatically register to vote when they get a driver's license; the motor-voter bills. After the disastrous Florida recount of 2000, many called for electronic voting machines and some states adopted them. But the conspiracy minded worried about hacking the machines. So in Florida they went back to scantron ballots. 

It's almost as if the do-gooders think voting is too hard. Maybe it is hard, but citizenship requires something from the citizen, no? Is it really that hard to turn out and vote? We've driven hundreds of miles overnight to do so.

Here in NJ-07 we go into a voting booth where a big whiteboard awaits us. Several names are on the board and one presses a button lighting up the candidate for whom one is voting. One then presses a vote button and voila, one has voted. Back in NY-19 we pressed levers on a big machine. 

Both of these systems work fine but we ask why not go back to paper ballots? Fill in a circle and then circle the name of the guy for whom you're voting. Count the ballots by hand in a big room with lots of reps from both sides and TV cameras filming. 

It's the only way to stop the likes of Brenda Snipes.

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