Tuesday, December 18, 2018

American Healthcare for Euros: Duex

Ok, so something like 27 million Americans don't have health insurance.

Why not?

They may not have jobs.

They may not have the kind of jobs that offer health insurance.

They may just not care about not having health insurance.

Many millions of those people without health insurance are youngsters making the quite rational choice that they wont need it. Chances are, if you're young, you wont.

As noted yesterday, in the mid-2000's we here at Casa de Stroock purchased our own health insurance. Many people did the same. To save money they bought Catastrophic Plans.

Ok, so what's that?

When you go to the doctor in America, the insurance company offsets the cost slightly with something called a co-pay. That means you go to the doctor, you give them $30 bucks, the insurance company pays the rest. There is also something called a deductible. Again this is the insurance company offsetting its cost by making you responsible for an upfront payment. The size of that deductible depends on what kind of plan you have. Basically a Catastrophic Plan came with a high deductible, say $5000, but with much lower monthly rates. In essence you rolled the dice with a Catastrophic Plan. If you had the sniffles you were on the hook for the bill. If you broke a leg, you would be on the hook for some of that bill. If you got cancer you'd be on the hook for the first $5000 but the insurance company picked up most of the rest.

Yes, Europeans, this is complicated, there's no getting around that.

Obamacare killed Catastrophic Plans by requiring people to insure themselves as mandated by the government, so people had to pay for all kinds of services they didn't want. Why? So the Feds had the cash on hand to pay for the rest of the Obamacare enrollees. In essence Obamacare taxes the productive to benefit the unproductive.

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