Monday, December 17, 2018

American Healthcare for Euros

Ok, European readers, you may be wondering what this healthcare debate in America is all about. You may be wondering why there is any debate at all.

To recap, a brave Texas judge struck down Obamacare, Barrack Hussein Obama's enema to the American healthcare system. The most vile part of that vile law was the Individual Mandate, which required people to have health insurance. We rank the Individual Mandate up there with the Indian Removal Act and the Fugitive Slave Act.

One of the quirks of modern American life is the lack of National Health Insurance. This is a result of the Second World War actually. During the war demand for labor was massive but there was a huge labor shortage resulting in a fierce competition for workers. Prices were frozen. So companies offered to pay for health insurance.

Today old Americans have Medicare, poor Americans have Medicaid, everyone else has insurance through their employer or buys it themselves.

You Europeans may be wondering what that costs.

Well it ain't cheep.

When Mrs. Stroock was a consultant we bought insurance for the (then) three of us and it cost $1253 a month. I know becuase I was the one writing the checks. 

When Barry O took office about 40 million Americans didn't have insurance, about 80% of us did. Obamacare tried to rectify that. As the numbers at the link show, it failed. Last year 27 million Americans didn't have insurance.We'll get into that tomorrow.

If you guys want to begin to understand the complexities of the problem, read the explanation at the link.

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