Saturday, December 1, 2018

Ave Atqua Vale

President George Herbert Walker Bush has died.

A man of his times, he was an aristocrat, the son of a senator.

He flew dive bombers in World War Two. In the post war period he was an oil man.

Bush served this country throughout his life, congressman, UN ambassador, director of the CIA, Veep, and finally president.

In American sports you never want to be the guy replacing the legendary coach, and Bush was just that. He could never live up to Reagan, but was a good president none-the-less. Desert Storm was his signature achievement. But more important was his handling of the half trillion dollar savings and loan mess. It is not remembered now, but in 1992 Bush got the Israeli/Palestinian negotiations started with the Madrid Conference. 

Bush was the last of the Eastern Establishment/Country Club Republicans. He could infuriate conservatives, giving us David Souter, but also delight us, giving us Clarence Thomas. The Recession of 1992 doomed the Bush Presidency, but the country was probably ready to move on anyway. 

In 1992 we voted for Bill Clinton.

1 comment:

  1. Didnt Ross Perot pull a good number of his votes as well?
