Sunday, December 30, 2018

Eagles Lining Playbook

So I watched Silver Linings Playbook last night.
Why didn't you people tell me about Jennifer Lawrence? Come on, guys, this can't be a one way relationship. I'm enchanted.

Honestly when I saw De Niro come on screen I damn near switched to Survivorman, but he surprised. In fact there a lot of very interesting performances here. Chris Tucker, of all people, does some good things in what must be his best performance since the 5th Element.*

There's lots of family dynamics here. Distance, redemption, rediscovery.

Silver Linings Playbook is the kind of romance movie that one thinks is for men, hence Bradley Cooper, but is really for women, hence Bradley Cooper.** It's about Pat, of course, but watch carefully as Tiffany fixes Pat. He gets less wacky as the movie progresses. This is standard romcom female fantasy. Tiffany is a stand in for a the gal's asperations. Also, Pat chases after Tiffany and there's the standard round and round embrace and kiss shot. You know what we mean.

I'm not a Philly Guy but Mrs. Stroock is a Philly Girl so I related. And I don't really hate the Eagles anymore. We related in tons of other ways, what with all the death this year. Also, if anyone recalls how and why Pat says 'white knuckling it' your welcome to message me.

*I loved him as ruby, so hyper, so frenetic.
**Jerry Maguire -good god.

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