Sunday, December 23, 2018

Gen-X 50

This week our sister turns 50.

And so does Generation-X.

So here we are, 40 million or so Americans wedged into the crack between 80 million Boomers and 80 millions Millennials.

The Boomers always reviled us, 'Why aren't you emulating the 60's? Also, how dare your try to emulate the 60's!'

The Millennials couldn't care less. 'Yeah, yeah. Videos on MTV. Whatevs and meh.'

We're basically where the Boomers were during our formative years, spent watching a lot of MTV and trying to do Woodstock. There's tons of 80's nostalgia out there. Just yesterday we were doing Ferris Bueller quotes and discussing Star Wars with our sister.

We like to think we're not overdoing it.

No one's really talking about Gen-X. No one has reason to do so. Generation X goes to work, raises the kids, pays the mortgage without fanfare or complaint. Personally we take great comfort in our generational anonymity. 

Middle age is kinda fun.

Outro (stay with it till the end):

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