Monday, December 24, 2018

Shut. It. Down.

Oh fuck yeah you better believe we support the government shutdown.

Just kidding, the government never really shuts down. You don't really thing the career lay-abouts in say, the Weed Agency aren't getting their padded paychecks, do you? Why there are union rules about that sort of thing.

Traditionally Republicans lose shutdown fights.

Maybe not now.

We've seen Trump change the rules this year, first with the Kavanaugh nomination when he refused to play along after the party of Ted (Captain Bart Mancusso) Kennedy gurgled up the liar Christine Blassey-Ford, then with the 2018 Midterms. 

We'll see if he's changed the rules here.

We think Trump has noting to lose.

The only people who care about the government 'shutdown' are the party of Jeff Davis and George Wallace, who are freaking out. Of course they freak out if Trump calls an African shithole country an African shithole country*, or pulls troops out of Syria or hurts someone's feelings. We should add to the ranks of Confederate flag waving Grays the GOP Rinos, Never Trump lunatics, and nervous nellies worried that their tights make their butt look too big at the gym.

Of course the base is delighted. 

Independents? Well, they're all thinking, The government shutdown, I hadn't noticed.

Get every last dime Mr. President. Keep it closed. Fight. Win. And hear the lamentations of the poxied, collagen besotted San Fran Nan, and Amy Schumer's uncle.

*Puts finger randomly on map of Africa and hits...Benin? What the fuck is that? Why the fuck are the even bothering?