Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Kraut Media is Decadent and Depraved

Dear God:
A reporter at the German news magazine Der Spiegel — who won CNN’s Journalist of the Year Award in 2014 — resigned on Wednesday after admitted to making up stories.

Claas Relotius “falsified articles on a grand scale and even invented characters,” Der Spiegel admitted in a statement.*
Here we were yesterday, going into a fairly lengthy explanation about plagiarism, while at the same time reporters from famous publications are just making shit up.

This Kraut Tosser was 33 years old.

We were 33 years old in 2006, trying to get A Line through the Desert published, writing magazine articles at 11 cents a word and fretting becuase we wrote that the Iranians got their hands on some fancy Austrian rifles - a report that later turned out to be untrue, you know, fake news.

Of course one could argue that our 'Decadent and Depraved' tag is plagiarism, as we're lifting it from Hunter S. Thompson's famous essay, The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved. The tag is so famous, so much a part of the vernacular, that no explanation is required. It's sort of like writing, A Long Time ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away...

Speaking of, does anyone else think Claas Relotius sounds like the name of a pilot in Wedge Antilles Rogue Squadron?

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