Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Beware Enemies of the Jew

There's an anti-BDS bill making its way through congress.

Up until yesterday, the bill had the support of Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, otherwise the worst Jew in America.

The Juden hass of freshwomen like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar has made Amy Schumer's uncle aware of a yuuuge rift in his own party. 

As noted previously, Congress-palestinian Rashida Tlaib wiped Israel off her office map, no doubt in anticipation of doing so for real. She's also claimed that the Jew is using the black as muscle.*

AOC, Ilhan and Tlaib are the ice in the crack.

The old line Dems more or less support Israel. The new, young hip Millennial Dems like Ms. Venezuela do not.

Here's an excellent clip of Bernie Sanders at a Vermont townhall that shows the phenomenon perfectly.

For a generation now, support for Israel has been holy-writ amongst the GOP elite and base.

Now not so much with the Dems. Even so 80% of American Jews voted Dem in the last election.

Are the Imam's wrong? Is the Jew not as clever as they believe? Perhaps so in America.

The Hebrews are God's chosen people. Muslims would interpret this as a blessing and mark of superiority. For Jews it's a burden. The history of the Jewish people is the history of suffering and almost all Jewish holidays can be summed up thusly, 'They tried to kill us. They failed. Let's eat.'

Nevertheless, the Jew is still here.

But his enemies are purged from the earth.

There's always an 11th Plague.

Below, a visual representation:

*It's possible that statement might not be 100% accurate.

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