We here at William Stroock dot blogspot dot com demand proof of life.
Thanks, folks. Don't miss our Saturday matinee.*
It's hard, nay, impossible not to laugh at the left' predicament. Just the other week a congregant at our temple offered a prayer for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The Dems are effed and they know it.
Via the Kavanaugh fiasco, Schumer completely disincentivized any kind of bipartisan cooperation from Republicans like, we dunno, Lindsay Graham. Why last year Graham would have urged the president to appoint some sort of centrist leaning squish to the court, an Alberto Gonzales, and would have worked hard to build a GOP coalition for said centrist leaning squish.
No longer.
Not only is Amy Schumer's uncle the worst Jew in America, he's the worst senate leader of our lifetime and we lived through Bill Frist.**
Do we wish the woman dead?
No of course not.
But we remember leftist celebration when Scalia died, sooooo….
[Hey, Will, not funny-Ed]
Quite right, Ed it's serious. Deadly serious.
Ha! Don't forget to tip your waitresses, folks.
Mom?...Grandma's not moving.
*We stole that from an FBF
**With respects to the Tennessee contingent amongst our readers
Don't worry about Tennessee we agree with you