Monday, January 14, 2019

Mike and the Mad Dog and the Jews

The other day we talked about listening to Mike and the Mad Dog on the 2nd 9/11 anniversary.

Readers from outside the NY metro area should understand that host Mike Francesa and Chris Russo were sports-talk gods in New York. Their top rated radio show had the absolute final say on what was happening in NY Sports. They changed policies and even engineered trades on air.

Fate put Mike and Chris on the radio during the terrorist attacks and after. 

Their remarks vis-à-vis 9/11 and Jews were controversial and what they actually say remained unclear and controversial.

ESPN's 30 for 30 has a good summary:
There's no audio recording of the pair calling for a Jewish loyalty oath, but people said they heard it.

We didn't, though days after we did listen to a lengthy on air discussion and argument they had on the matter. Mike and Chris insisted over and over again that their remarks were misunderstood.

Can we agree that a couple of sports guys might be a little tongue tied after a terrorist attack, and their thoughts not fully fleshed out?

Also, Mike's right.

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