Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The World Wars 1990s

We're not really sure what that title's supposed to mean except that we're talking about World War 1990: NL and World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas.

Both are going swimmingly right now. Lots of ideas coming, lots of detail and context added. Some nice characters and scenes too.

The Battle of the Sea of Japan was always the weakest of the Three Seas. No longer. We're quite pleased. You guys remember Samurakami, the Japanese naval officer with the horrid family? Well he's back. 

Heh. you guys remember in Red Storm Rising when the brass dismissed a move against Vladivostok?

Sometimes one looks at that OOB and thinks, why not?

Let's just say the Rising Sun will rise again.

We also have another sub skipper. What's Ruski for shark?

We're working through our policemen of Gronningen chapter like a herring swimming through the Zuider Zee on its way to being pickled.

We hear the Dutch eat that stuff raw.

[WTF? -Ed]

WTF indeed, Ed.

Our Dutch cops are dealing with shot down Soviet pilots, intransigent Nederlanders, Kraut refugees, Spetznaz, and the like. 

We had envisioned a scene where a grizzled old Dutch farmer defends his home against the Ruskis. Our Dutch contact pointed out that the farmer wouldn't even have a .22 to deal with foxes. Ahhh...but what if he was with the Orange Resistance during the war? What if he worked with the OSS, the SAS? What if he hung on to some of that equipment?

What's Dutch for Rambo? 

Fun fact: Bert Blyleven is the only Dutch born player in the Baseball Hall of Fame.


  1. AKULA is Russian for shark...their answer to the superior Los Angeles class sub.
