Sunday, January 6, 2019

Tucker 7 Romney 0

Over the last few years various pundits and intellectuals have had their moment to shine - and cash in! 

2015 was the Milo Moment. 

2018 was the Jordan Peterson Moment.

It seems 2019 will be the Tucker Carlson moment. A few days ago he hammered Mitt Romney (Looser, Nowhere) over his anti-Trump op-ed. Here's the full video:
Tucker brutalizes Mittens over his time at Bain Capital. He said:
His piece throws a rare compliment to Trump for cutting the corporate rate a year ago.

That’s not surprising. Romney spent the bulk of his business career at a firm called Bain Capital. Bain Capital all but invented what is now a familiar business strategy: Take over an existing company for a short period of time, cut costs by firing employees, run up the debt, extract the wealth, and move on, sometimes leaving retirees without their earned pensions. Romney became fantastically rich doing this.
This is not normally how conservatives talk.

Like us, Tucker was a pretty standard post-Reagan conservative filled with policy ideas. In 2003 he supported the liberation of Iraq. Not anymore. He's happy we're getting out of Syria.

Now it seems he is an American Firster and an economic nationalist.

Tucker has talked widely about his intellectual transformation and we urge reader(s) to look him up on YouTube. His conversations with Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro are fascinating. 

Tucker Carlson seems to be the pundit who best channels Trump, or at least the Trump voter. 

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