Wednesday, February 13, 2019

22 Trill Yo

So the National Debt tops 22 trillion bucks.

I don't want to hear any complaining from anyone.

Sorry folks, I come from that brand of conservatism (remember the Neocons?), Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, etc etc, that's been trying for 25 years to get people to do something about the cost of government, the budget deficit and the debt.

We were told by Dems and the Media...

(Why did you repeat yourself? -Ed)

Why indeed?

Anyway we were told by the Dems that we were starving old people, throwing kids onto the street and pushing granny off a cliff.

So reap what you sow, America.

One day this country will go broke.

This is not that day.

1 comment:

  1. Of course we have been in a mid intensity level of warfare for the last 18 years or so. All of our high tech ordinance is quite expensive on a shot per shot basis. That and an inability of the USN to decide what sort of ships it needs doesn't help, nor does trying to shoehorn every single air warfare job into an F-35 help either. Nor are Trumps overly optimistic tax cuts helping any. Gimme a guy who is going to cut spending, close out loop holes on the tax code, and tax the rich a little unfairly(say 40-43% top marginal tax rate).
