Friday, February 1, 2019

Amelie Zhao vs the Mob

Hot Air tells us about a mob of SJW cry babies destroying a new YA author's book before it even hit the shelves:
Writing at Tablet, Jesse Singal tells the story of the author [Amelia Wen Zhao] f a young-adult fantasy series who appeared to have hit the big time with her first trilogy of books. But only a few months before publication the author, who is Asian, announced she had decided to put the publication on hold. This change of heart came after she was viciously attacked online by a mob of social justice warriors who, based on very little evidence, decided the books were racist.
It's tempting to feel bad for Ms. Zhao....actually, no it isn't...ok yes it is.

She probably wasn't prepared for the SJW mob to come after her.

While Miss Zhao may be a POC, she's the wrong kind of POC. The SJWs hate Asians, who stubbornly refuse to be victims, and otherwise work hard, get married, have kids and succeed. 

We know. These are our friends and neighbors.

Ms. Zhao is a financial analyst.

So the SJWs have browbeaten Ms. Zhao into delaying and perhaps rewriting her book. This is a mistake. Concession is like chum in the water to these people. Give 'em two pump fisted fingers and declare, 'Nobody fucks up my art but me!'

For those wondering, yes, we do have contingency plans for an SJW mob attack. Phase one is to thank the SJWs for helping us sell books.

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