Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Plugging along...singing a song...Bang your Head

We began editing the Battle of the Barents Sea yesterday. The first few scenes were a choppy mess and had us ready to hit the panic button. This entails banging our head on the table and shouting, 'It sucks! It sucks! It sucks!'

By the end of the first readthrough things looked ok.

We still worked the MS plenty, though, adding details and context, cutting and pasting paras and so forth. And of course we Omitted Needless Words.*

We're not sure about the relationship between Admiral Johnson and Admiral Kelso and think we may have to rethink our approach.

It may help to add a strike package briefing scene.

Maybe add an EW plane?

Anyway you cut it, we got a long slog ahead.

*Strunk & White

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