Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidents Day Spectacular Part I

Or, why Barack Hussein Obama is the worst president ever.

Obama gave us an era of mediocrity and made us comfortable with it.

Throughout his regime there was never, never a year of 3 % growth.

Obamacare was a stack of lies which did nothing it said it would do.

Barry O got rolled, reamed and fleeced in the Iran Deal.*

Those two signature achievements are dead or dying.

BHO perpetrated the greatest political scandal in American history, the use of the Federal intelligence apparatus to spy on the political opposition.

He built no coalitions in congress and forged no strong bonds with foreign leaders.

Under the Obama Regime the Democrat party lost more than a thousand seats nationwide. He left the party a hulk and turned it over to Hillary.

*By which we mean effed in all three holes.

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