Sunday, February 3, 2019

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 2-3-19

Those in Peril comes out 15 - Feb. Our story is called The Blue and Red: Palmerston's Ironclads.

We've been asked to contribute to the sequel, an aerial warfare alternate history compilation. 

So far we got nuthin'.

Reader(s) are invited to weigh in.


  1. How about a steam punk theme with lighter than air craft

  2. More Morden how would ww2 be of the Germans got jets a year early

  3. Germans get jets a year early could the allies keep the bombing campaign going

  4. Justify Germany producing a "good enough" vs "bleeding edge" technical thought process. Also a unified focus on specific technology(Me 262 vs 262 and 4-5 other designs) and a recognition that Germany has to have a focus on defense mentality from 1941/1942 forward as opposed to the blitzkrieg mentality that Hitler carried to his grave. Possibly a German Carrier(or 3)cleaning out the North Atlantic (using Japanese Long Lance Torpedoes?). Just a few thoughts of the top of my head.
