Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wither the Neocon, Wither Will?

We had the Milo Moment. We're coming out of the Jordan Peterson Moment. It seems we are entering the Tucker Carlson Moment. 

Tucker's been taking a rapier to conservative tropes, free trade, tax breaks for businesses, etc etc. Nowhere has he been more effective, or righteously vicious than in foreign policy.

Tucker Carlson wants to know why Max Boot and William Kristol are still on TV and what makes them so smart, anyway? He unloads upon the duo like a sinner reformed, which he is.

Carlson quotes Boot's words, written after 9/11:
“Once we have deposed Saddam, we can impose an American-led, international regency in Baghdad, to go along with the one in Kabul,” Boot wrote. “To turn Iraq into a beacon of hope for the oppressed peoples of the Middle East: Now that would be a historic war aim. Is this an ambitious agenda? Without a doubt. Does America have the resources to carry it out? Also without a doubt.”
That's certainly what we thought. We believed in 2003 that by say 2008 Iraq would be free, the Iranian Mullahs overthrown in a revolution and the PLO sidelined.

Carlson points out that after Iraq Boot called for regime change in Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, etc etc. 

William Stroock dot blogspot dotcom stands by our support for liberating Iraq. It was the right place and 2003-2008 was the right time to fight Islamic terror. Would Iraq or the world be better off with Saddam in power? And besides, we won.

The difference between ourselves and Boot, Kristol, etc is we've had enough.

[Yeah, but knowing what you know now would you still favor the 'liberation' of Iraq, as you say?-Ed]

Oh snap!....

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