Thursday, February 14, 2019

Your Second Ilhan Omar Post of 2-14-19

Legal Insurrection tells us that Minnesota Jews had a chat with Somalia's Finest, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar:
It turns out that Minnesota Jewish leaders attempted an intervention last year when it became known that she’d be the Democrat nominee for her seat. They felt they needed to do something due to past anti-Semitic remarks.
Ilhan Omar hates Jews, a stance less and less problematic within the Democrat Party.

Now, for 50 years, ok 40, white people have been purging themselves of racism.

[Ohhhhh, you're identifying as white today, are you? -Ed]

Yes, becuase it's useful for me to do so.

Anyway, since at least the 70's white people have subjected themselves to endless intra-family arguments, diversity training sessions, very special anti-racism TV episodes, etc etc to purge racism, all of which can be summed up thusly, 'Hey, Grandpa, not funny.'

Other ethnic groups in the US are under no such obligation. So Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib saw no problem writing for Louis Farrakhan, Women's March activist Tamika Mallory spews his filth at Jewish members of the march, and Ilhan Omar claims Israel has special world-wide hypnotic powers.

American liberals, American Jewish liberals, see themselves as part of a Rainbow coalition of the Oppressed in which they're allied with marginalized groups, Somali Muslim immigrants for example, against the White Power Structure. White liberals never imagined the marginalized are bigots themselves in this fantasy.

It's just delightful.

We here at William Stroock dot blogspot dotcom love the idea of Liberal Jews sitting Omar down and pleading with her to stop the hate.

Fade to Minneapolis conference room...

Liberal Minnesota Jews: 'Can you lighten up on the Juden-Hass?'

Somalia's Finest: 'What is 'Juden-Hass?'

Liberal Minnesota Jews: 'Jew hatred. You know, Germans, the Holocaust?'

Somalia's Finest: 'Holocaust?

Liberal Minnesota Jews: 'We'll send you a copy of Schindler's List. Just stop implying Israel and Jews have all these special powers, ok?'

Somalia's Finest: 'But you do, do you not?

...and scene.

You saps.

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