Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Despite the New Jersey Spring

By this point in the Yankee Winter spring is in the air.

It's still cold and wet outside, but the bite is out of the air. Just the other day we and the Stroocklette's went outside for a bit, just a bit.

Still winter can surprise you. 

Last year we had two snow storms in March and then one on April 2nd.

April is usually rainy and overcast. Quite sensibly baseball season used to begin mid-month, now it starts late March, just one of the many inanities with which Commissioner Bud Selig saddled the game.*

New Jersey is renowned for....I dunno, Joe Pesci? Toxic waste? The Sopranos? A goodly portion of the Garden State's reputation comes from the fact that New Yorkers escaping Manhattan will come out of the Lincoln Tunnel to vast fields of power plants, highways, industrial parks, appliance dumps, Giants Stadium.

New Jersey is often a state you love despite not because. We've lived here since 2001 and wouldn't dream of moving. Chindia is a pretty interesting place.

*See also 8:37 first pitch World Series games.

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