Tuesday, March 5, 2019

SJWs Ruin Science Fiction

An interesting article at The Federalist about Social Justice Warriors, science fiction and self publishing.  Basically the SJWs have infiltrated science fiction, as they have YA Fiction as noted yesterday, and are demanding a writer's work be identity based and intersectional.

Indy published books account for something like half the market. Just check the 'customers also bought' tab on our own Amazon page. The reader's appetite for alternate history is insatiable. For some reason traditional publishers don't get this. Actually here's the reason:
The book industry establishment is identity politics-obsessed, an angry brigade who seized control of the traditional publishing industry years ago. Publishers and editors berate independent authors regularly via blogs and social media, such as Tor Books’ Teresa Nielsen Hayden rambling on Twitter about how an independent No. 1 bestseller on Amazon is “not a bestselling author by any definition of the term used by readers and booksellers,” or the president of the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA), Cat Rambo, calling a sci-fi blog post cheering on independent self-publishing “egregiously stupid” in the comments of sci-fi gossip site File 770.
Indy books are poking their nose into the SF awards tent, Nebulas, Hugos, Dragon, etc etc.

The SJWs don't like it one bit. 

We here at William Stroock dot blogspot dot com don't begrudge anyone their reading habits, and if someone wants dystopian science fiction about gay African teens that's their business.

We know what our readers want. So do a lot of Indy authors just like us: alternate history, technothrillers, alien invasion. 

We know this becuase that's what we always wanted to read. You know us, reader(s) and we know you. 

I am the reader and the reader is me.

Meanwhile traditional publishers loose market share.

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