Monday, March 11, 2019

Stroock Aborted Part I

If nothing else, William Stroock dot blogspot dot com is a crack information service.

With the recent controversy over Virginia Governor Bob Northam's abortion remarks...

[Remarks? He said you can kill a newborn on the table -Ed]

So he did.

Anyway, we were curious about European abortion laws.

Our Netherlands guy reports that abortion is legal through six months. Our Italian correspondent says abortion is legal through three months.

[Why not just look it up yourself? -Ed]

Becuase you learn more by asking someone from that country, that's why, you silly English dolly-bird.

[Dolly-bird....awww I'm blushing-Ed]

And visibly aroused.

These abortion laws, what's the word, reasonable, no? At least more reasonable then arguing doctors can keep the baby comfortable before strangulation.

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