Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wither Michael Jackson

So we have another Michael Jackson scandal, this one from the grave.

In the new HBO doc two victims detail Jackson's sexual manipulation and abuse.

We never thought Jackson was a full blown pedophile. A man-child with a Peter Pan complex that had no sense of boundaries with other peoples children, certainly, but not a sex criminal.

We were wrong.

To be honest, by Dangerous it seemed pretty clear, no? What's he doing hanging around with McCauley Culkin? 

Back then people were hung up on Jackson's plastic surgery and skin bleaching.

In the wake of the new revelations radio stations across the world have stopped playing his songs.

Michael Jackson didn't happen, see. His career didn't exist. Thriller, what's that? And you can forget about Bad.

1 comment:

  1. So since Michael Jackson did Pepsi commercials in the 80s are we going to ban Pepsi?
