Wednesday, May 8, 2019

World War 1990: Election 92

This blog finds itself thinking a lot about Election 92.

Which is odd becuase usually the creative lightning involves columns of tanks and batteries of Long Toms.

But there it is.

Election 1992 will be about a lot more than the election, though that's the core of the book.

There's a festering insurgency in Cuba. Remember that nice young Cuban officer, Flavio?

There's a great recession.

The Soviet Union is crumbling, or has crumbled.

Japan is a rising power in the Pacific, think about those implications.

We're probably talking about a big book here. 

By the way, we have no idea who Quayle's VP pick would be.

You know what to do.


  1. Just hit me Lamar Alexander it would put the whole south in play for the republicans

  2. McCain was considered in 88. I'm loath to contemporize, but this opens some possibilities
