Friday, May 24, 2024

Saturday Updates (On Friday?)

 Shabbot Shalom, Stroocks Books Kibbutzim. 

This is a packing day, as tomorrow we shall remove to the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction for Memorial Day weekend. So we'll be doing our Saturday updates today. 

Back to back days at the gym. Cardio yesterday, weights today. We feel based AF, yo. A few gym observations. Young gym-bro conversations are hilarious to this old guy. They noticed when we doubled over laughing...that young couple working out together could spawn their own race of super-humans and fulfill the prophecy. Madam, I don't need to wear Lycra tights and a halter top to the gym and neither do you [Weird old guy-Ed] Noone's ever looked at our Israel T-shirts and shouted 'Free Palestine!'

The Israelis have recovered three more dead hostages, these in northern Gaza. Good. Every recovery gives Hamas just a little less leverage. A forlorn victory. Overall, we judge the Rafah operation and the general offensive in Gaza to be going splendidly. We see the International Court of Justice, note, a different thing that the International Criminal Court, has 'ordered' Israel to halt its Rafah operation. So? Okay, this is another diplomatic headache for Israel. But seriously. So? 

The Things.

More progress on War Night's Lexington story. We're pleased with everything we've written. Now we just need to finish the story. 

The formatters have World War 1990: Norway, and vow to return the proof to us by 5/27. We should be reading a physical copy late next week.

We've no idea what to write for the World War II alternate history compellation. It's due in just under two months. 

We've no idea what we're writing in the autumn. 

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