Thursday, June 6, 2024

What Tune Are You Humming Today?

A good Thursday, Stroock's Books reader(s). If you people don't have The Longest Day theme in your head right now, we don't want you reading this blog. 

Facebook informs us that 12 years ago today we voted for Ron Paul. The primary was already won by Mr. Romney. Why not?

We're trying to figure out why we received in the mail two unsolicited copies of Military Heritage Magazine. Publisher: We always send two copies to our advertisers. Will: but I don't have an ad.

We have found a new Hamas/Hezbollah war muse. Lots of orbats and analyses. Enjoy. Currently five IDF brigades are in Gaza. Three Israeli divisions, each of four brigades, are on the Lebanese border. The coming war with Hezbollah is going to be just awful. Much of the Israeli north will be destroyed. This is a long war of attrition. 

Vlad, this takes a lot of nerve: 'Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Thursday that Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip amounted to genocide, according to multiple media reports.' Or day we say, chutzpah. Reminder, Stroock's Books has already revoked Putin's Freind of the Jew status. 

Red State reports: 'Academic fraud is forcing Wiley, a major publisher of scientific journals, to close 19 journals after some were overwhelmed by industrial-scale research fraud. In the last two years, Wiley has retracted over 11,300 papers containing some fraudulent content.' Uhhh...what? We've published something like a hundred history articles. Not one is fraudulent. We admit to wondering over the years, could we write an article about a fake battle and get it published? Probably. Click here for a great piece we did on a real battle, didn't have to make anything up, unlike the academics above. Click here for another. 

The writing of World War 1990: Thatcher's War is going well. Very well. We've got lot of political machinations in the Oval Office, and some Latin American hands at State laying the groundwork for World War 1990: The Managua Campain. Al Gore gives a speech slamming anti-war Democrats, setting things nicely for Election '92.  Exit question: if Dan Quayle moves to the DoD, who does the Bush Administration tap for the Veep slot? 

So, yeah....readers of the World War 1990 series will recall Vice President Quayle's CoS, William Kristol, working with Latin American hand Elliot Abrams to widen the war and position Quayle for a presidential run. Alert readers will intuit their religious affiliation. We have to admit we've been a bit cautious writing about Kristol's scheming, given world events. Not that Kristol doesn't deserve every last scrap of scorn he gets. Fun fact, in 1998 we spoke with William Kristol over the phone while looking for work in DC. 

We have the World War 1990: Norway proof and we dread picking it up. Just flipping through the book, we found a few problems with the chapter headings. This is why one must needs read the proof. Reminder, one must needs also be the last one who reads one's book.

*Thatcher's War, Saddam's War, Esercito Italiano, The Managua Campaign, Election 1992....not necessarily in that order. The only 'back' novel we know for sure we want to do is Battle of the GIUK Gap. One other idea, Afghansy, could take place during the war, or after. We've no idea. 

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