Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wither Bibi...or not

Good morning, Stroock's Books loyalists. Let's see if the Israelis have done the deed...Nope. Some serious diplomacy is afoot. Once more this blog suggests Netanyahu ask the Regime, 'You say you don't want us to smash Beirut. What's it worth to you?' Bibi likes to take his time with big decisions; delay and delay as the situation presents itself and information is gathered. Exit question, and we've asked this question on Substack: is Netanyahu a good war leader?*

We see another Israeli has been killed in a Hezbollah attack. What are you waiting for, Bibi?

So Erdogan is threatening war with Israel. We've no idea how seriously to take this. Israel Radar [Do you read anything else, anymore?-Ed] has an assessment of a possible Israel/Turkey conflict. Interesting stuff. Fun fact, the last time we thought of a third Israel Strikes novel, we considered a story about an Israeli war with Turkey. Couldn't make it work. Now the entire series is overtaken by events. 

Book sales are doing something very interesting this month. Sales of World War 1990 Norway have slowed. But sales of the backlist have picked up bigly and are the primary sales driver. This makes us think we should write more stand-alone World War 1990 novels. Afghansy and Battle of the GIUK Gap would be standalones. [Christ, can't you think of anything else to write-Ed] I know, right?

Speaking of (or not) we opened up Thatcher's War yesterday and wrote a scene. An angry Margaret Thatcher speaks to a chastened Taoiseach Haughey who's thinking, oh crap. Well what do you know? Thatcher's War is 17,000 words.

Also we worked on War Night's Haig in the bunker scene. Hmmm, it's kind of, sort of done. Needs a lot of work and a lot of details filled in, but the story is there. Haig wants nuclear authorization and eventually gets nuclear authorization, all while the world slowly goes nuclear. On a whim we looked, and when he was in the White House, Haig supported Ford choosing Rockefeller for VP. 

We are removing to the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction this afternoon. 

*Someday soon, very soon, Bibi should step aside. But not now. 

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