Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Smiling Irish Stats

The Jerusalem Post tells us: 'Some 59% of voters said that they support Israel making an immediate hostage deal that includes ending the Israel-Hamas war...' Israelis are sick of the war, and who can blame them. Interestingly, 'Among coalition voters [Netanyahu Government], this support stood at 41% in favor, with 49% against, and the rest undecided.' Who wouldn't want to bring the hostages home? We can't find any recent data, but this summer Bibi has been creeping up in the polls vs Benny Gantz. Wrapping up, we'll quote former PM Naftalli Bennett on Yahyah Sinwar, 'We need to kill him.' We're man-crushing. Bigly. 

Meanwhile, Ynet reports, 'The Biden administration was surprised and outraged by the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh...' Just stop right there. Go on, play the game, 'The Biden Administration was surprised and outraged by the assassination of Hermann Goring...'

The war is now ten months old.

So yes, we're writing a story in War Night in which a lot of men in suits are sitting around a table pondering events. Readers seem to like these.

We conducted lots of research yesterday about Ireland's economy in the 70s. The good news for Taoiseach Cosgrave is that Ireland can more than feed itself. The bad news is that 54% of its exports go to Great Britain. So if Britain is destroyed the Irish economy collapses. As far as energy goes, in 1975 there were actually a couple of large, but unexploited gas fields off the coast. Ireland could exploit these in the long term. But in the short term look for severe petrol rationing. It is estimated that 350,000 horses were in Ireland in 1939 and an estimate 84,000 in 2016.  

Should Britan get nuked, Ireland would suffer radiation and immediate fallout blasted over from the attack. But the weather prevails generally west to east. Which is a good thing for Ireland. And then someone points out, 'Uh, Taoiseach, if the Soviets destroy Britain, that would probably include Belfast.' And then there would be the problem of refugees from say, Liverpool [Hey!-Ed] paddling across the Irish Sea.

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