Friday, September 13, 2024

Articulating the Startup Nation

Aw, the real Ed stopped by the blog and said hi. Reader(s) know how we love it when she calls us a knobhead. Say it again. Please? Note, the read aloud function on this blog is set to a female POSH English accent [Weirdo-Ed]. Of course the real Ed is a Scouse. 

Look at us on FB nine years ago, still joking around about heading to the hospital after complaining of chest pains and cracking jokes about DNRs. The real Ed joked, 'So who's the lucky lady that gets to pull the plug?'

We wore one of our Israel T-shirts to the gym yesterday. The nice lady behind the counter said she liked the shirt, and it was important to support Israel. We replied that other than attending a few rallies we didn't know what else we could do. While we were chatting, an Orthodox Jew, wearing a Kipa and tallis walked in. Sounds like the set up to a joke. Didn't know we had any of them around here. 

From Israel National News, this is just too much, 'Former US Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in her new book for taking "zero responsibility" for the Hamas attack on October 7 of last year.' How about you take responsibility for Libya? From the Rose law firm, to the White House travel office, to Whitewater, to healthcare reform, everything that woman touches turns to crap. Reminder, Hillary called one of her employees a 'Jew bastard' and hugged Suha Arafat (sham wife of the homosexual Yassir Arafat) after she blood libeled us. Oh Hillary, what difference, at this point, does it make?*

Israel Radar reports that Hezbollah is ordering civilians to get out of southern Lebanon. Israel Radar also thinks, given what we've seen in the Gaza War, that Hezbollah can't stand against the IDF. The author makes several good points, but we remain cautious. This sounds like victory disease to us. Remember the 1973 War and the 10/7 genocide. Once more, with feeling. Hezbollah, Bibi. By the time the Lebanon war is over, there should be no life in Lebanon south of the Litani. 

We've been thinking through, and trying to articulate what we mean by Startup Nation. In the Startup Nation narrative, Israel is a modern, cosmopolitan, almost European nation**. The IDF must occasionally 'mow the lawn' in Gaza. The army could be paired down, and the border protected with a 'smart fence' and some autocannons. Sooner or later Iran would take care of itself and so would Hezbollah. 

Startup Nation is the title of Dan Senor's 2011 book about modern, entrepreneurial Isarel. Do recall that Israel started as a dusty socialist state with a third world economy. So Israel becoming an economic powerhouse and technological hub with a large natural gas side hustle is a very big deal. The startup nation era also saw a baby boom. Israel is a young country. Even the trendy set that prefers Tel Aviv to Jerusalem had 2 or 3 kids. 

We once saw a clip where a gaggle of Israeli teenage girls joyously sang and danced in a circle around a very old wheelchair bound woman. This woman was almost certainly born in Europe and probably a holocaust survivor. Here's a clip of a holocaust survivor being escorted through Auschwitz by young Israeli soldiers. What awesome symbolism. That's Startup Nation.

*Will also calls Hillary a very bad word.

**Competes in the Eurovision song contest and many European sports leagues.

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