Thursday, September 19, 2024

Is That Your Final Offer?

Via Arutz Shiva, Israel's latest hostage proposal, 'According to the report, the proposal includes the release of all hostages at once, safe passage for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and anyone who wishes to join him out of Gaza, the release of Arab terrorists, demilitarization of Gaza and the implementation of a different system of governance in the area, and the end of the war.' Assuming this deal has no guarantee on Sinwar's survival - Mossad doesn't blow up his watch or something - Stroock's Books supports this without hesitation. The Israelis are calling this, 'The Safe Passage deal'. This strikes us more as, 'Our Final Offer Deal' take it or leave it. 

Avigdor Lieberman is a former coalition partner of Netanyahu's*, former defense minister in fact, and now a harsh critic. Like many people in Israel who loath Bibi, Lieberman slams him from the right. He thinks Netanyahu is soft on Hamas and Hezbollah. Today Lieberman published six principals for dealing with terror. Israel Radar has a summation. Nut-graph, as the J School losers would say, Liberman wants a far more bellicose, active, and preemptive Israeli military. Liberman should be the defense minister in Will's long fantasized Naftali Bennett government. 

Black Pill Will: We admit the Black Pill is getting harder to swallow. Polls seem to be coming around for Trump. The Teamsters' non-endorsement of Kamala is a big deal**. Jeez, she's running the worst campaign since...Hillary!. Indeed the 2016 vibes are strong. We wouldn't be the first to notice that Kamala's people are repeating all the mistakes Hillary's! people made in 2016 [Would you elaborate? -Ed]. No. Feel the vibe. Exit question: how do Trump and the GOP Stop the Steal this time?

*Imbittered and resentful, like everyone else who cuts a deal with Bibi. Who can blame him?

**Fun fact, Will grew up in a union household, NABET: National Association of Broadcasting Employees and Technicians. Our dad was even on strike once.

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