Thursday, September 12, 2024

Startup Stopped

So, this is what we posted on FB nine years ago today, 'Well, that was a fun stay at the hospital. I'm fine. Minor chest pain after exercising, battery of tests, but I'm fine. When they were hooking me up to all the monitors, I cracked up, because this is the only thing I could think of...' We were thinking about Beavis and Butthead doing a lie detector test. 'Are you going to put those things on my nads? Heh. ''Cause you can if you want.' Nine years, 30 pounds and a tonne of cardio latter, here we are.

This blog admits that accumulating evidence points to Harris actually losing the debate - in the long term. HotAir has the story. Pundits love the idea that a few zingers here and there define a debate. Or worse, that one's debating skills win or lose the contest. In 2000 Algore won all three debates with W on points, how'd that work out for him?* But in the end, a debate is a 90-minute job interview. Normies wonder if a candidate can do the job and if they want to be looking at this person for the next four years. It seems Kamala's refusal to answer questions or provide details hurt her. As we've been saying, wait.

Turning, now, to one of Biden-Harris' many war zones...Iran built a vast terror network in Gaza. Iran built a vast terror network in Lebanon. And Iran has been building a vast terror network in Judea/Samaria.  Given that Iran was able to surround Israel with terrorist enemies, is there any reason to believe it won't get the bomb? Just to be clear, that happened mostly under Netanyahu's watch.

Also, a new Canadian documentary shows Bibi the politician and the man. Read the review. It ain't pretty. 

 [Are you turning on your boy?-Ed] Netanyahu is not my boy, but no. We think Bibi is the man for Israel right now, but those are the facts. 

Via Israel Radar, a long twitter thread from General Uriel Schachter about the state, successes and mistakes of the Gaza War. That's okay. Washington had many failures during the War of the Rebellion. Lincoln had many failures during the Civil War, etc..etc...We'll add two points. The Israelis have clearly gotten the better of things on the battlefield. The fighting has been surprisingly lopsided. This blog thought the Gaza campaign would be much bloodier. And B, the defense cuts and mindset Schachter discusses are part of the Start Up Nation mindset. 

We're referring to Dan Senor's 2011 book Startup Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle. Israel is a tiny, highly educated, high tech economic powerhouse on the Mediterranean, slowly leaving behind the Gazans and West Bank people, not to mention the rest of the Arabs. Startup Nation gave Israel the wonder weapons we see today, Iron Dome, soon Iron Beam, Arrow, Trophy and other gadgets we don't know about. Now Israel is a natural gas producer too. The startup nation economic miracle was accompanied by a baby boom. Israel is a young country. Exit question: was Startup Nation a delusion? Sub question, was this delusion worse than the Oslo delusion?

*We'll be doing election 2000 next week. 

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