Tuesday, September 17, 2024

They Explode?

We did back-to-back days at the gym, cardio yesterday with calisthenics, rope pulley and rower the day before. A month ago we added pushups to our routine. We stopped pushups in the 2000s when we took up guitar. Playing makes one's wrists brittle and sore, a problem all guitar players have our instructor assured us. We feel better than we thought we would last week. 

The Times of Israel reports that 40 percent of Israelis favor Naftali Bennett vs 29 percent for Netanyahu. Bennett seems to be the only man that can beat Bibi. However, a new party lead by Bennett would tie with Bibi's Likud at 20 Knesset seats with the current oppo parties tallying 64 seats overall. Bennett is laying the groundwork to get back into politics. This blog once more argues that Bennett plus Gantz's National Unity plus Likud sans Bibi would make a fine coalition. 

Israel Radar has lots of reporting on the current state of preparations on the Hezbollah Front. IDF commanders say they must attack soon. Unnamed sources within the IDF say 'the risk of war is highest since 10/7'. The US is pressuring the Israelis to delay the attack till after the election.* Don't forget about the ongoing drama over firing Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and replacing him with Gideon Sa'ar. Do note that Netanyahu is visiting New York next week. So, there's no chance that the Israelis will attack next week, right? Right?! Methinks strategery is afoot.

Also, as we write this, and we swear we're not making this up, Hezbollah comms gear is mysteriously exploding. We've seen several photos and vids of injured, blood-soaked terrorists. Here's some surveillance vid. That guy's going to be using a wheelchair for a while. And here's another. This one took a header to boot. Enjoy! We've also seen a very gruesome hospital clip with dozens of bloodied military aged men on the floor of a Beirut hospital and more being brought in every few seconds. 

Would someone please do a compilation video of exploding Hezbollah pagers to Benny Hill's Yakety Sax? If we wrote about Hezbollah pagers magically exploding, why the reviewers would kill us.  Do note that the Hezbollah guys who rate an encrypted pager would certainly be officers and noncoms. The imams are right, the Jew is clever. 

Yesterday we discussed how the press was in the tank for John Kerry. We'd use harsher gutter language to describe the media-Kerry relationship, but reader(s) get the idea. Today we harken back to election 2000, Bush vs Gore, and a dirty little secret us conservatives and Bush supporters don't want to admit. In 2000 the press was immensely helpful to W.

George W. Bush was merely a privileged dunce. The media absolutely clobbered Algore for being, wooden, uninspiring, boring. SNL lampooned the man's stiffness in several skits. The press pointed out that every time Algore tried to seem warm, friendly and outgoing he just looked like he was trying too hard. He just couldn't quite get the natural mannerisms right. Why can't you put Bush away, the press demanded of Algore. To this day we don't really understand why the press slammed Algore so. The media has never again been critical of a Democrat presidential nominee. 

A good day with War Night, yesterday. We started Morning Rory. So far, so good. Also, we read through the Haig in the Bunker story. It's...fine. There's an overall narrative, but the story needs work and there are gaps which must needs be filled in. We eliminated the repetitive parts. Also we're not quite buying the authenticity of the story. We have Haig sitting in an undisclosed bunker with the Colonel who happened to be the OOD when the nukes started flying. Haig needs to 1- figure out what the hell is going on. 2- reestablish contact with field commanders. 3-reestablish contact with Washington. 4-Find his deputy commander, what's his name again...? There's a bit of juju for doing BAOR counterattacking. 

*The Regime cares because they will never let Trump take office, as we saw this weekend, and a continued war in the Middle East hampers their efforts.  

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