Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Throw

While Netanyahu is in New York to address the UN, much diplomatic kabuki is afoot [wouldn't the game be afoot, knobhead? -ed]. A 21-day truce, as France has proposed, may be imminent. Or not. This blog has no idea what's going to happen. The diplomatic types are having a great time with their talks, proposals, counterproposals, time frames, and mechanisms, we guarantee that. When we say Bibi negotiates complex coalition deals for breakfast so he can handle this Arab trash, this would be what we're referring to. Reminder, never make a deal with Bibi. 

Ok, wow, the IAF just took out the head of Hezbollah's drone force (air operations?). That can't be good for ceasefire prospects, can it? 

Wonder what Eric Adams did to upset the regime? Is Adams not an Inner Party member in good standing? 'Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted by a grand jury on charges connected to a federal probe, sources told The Post...' These are plots within plots and this blog admits to not understanding the machinations. Exit question: Red Wedding coming to Gracie Mansion?

Related: P Diddy will not kill himself. 

Yesterday we got in a pointless internet fight with a yokel who doesn't think Eli Manning is a Hall of Fame quarterback. Why do we bother? Eli's detractors always take the same tack, 'Well Phillip Rivers and Tim Ryan...' Aren't two-time Super Bowl MVPs, dumbass. This guy probably thought Jon Gruden* was a good broadcaster.  He doesn't understand football and probably should watch something else, ladies table tennis, perhaps.  To quote Herman Edwards, 'You play to win the game. Hello?!'

Speaking of the hall of fame, this is idiotic: 'Tommy John isn’t sure why he’s been kept out of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, but he has a clue: his support for former president Donald Trump.' Uh no. Sorry, Tommy, it's the Baseball Hall of Fame, not The Baseball Hall of Very Good. Not the Baseball Hall of I managed to Stick Around Forever. Tommy John just isn't HoF material. See also contemporaries Jim Kaat and Bert Blyleven, both of whom are in the HoF and shouldn't be.

Sports final: the Giants play the Cowboys tonight. Oh, fuck no. 

We spent a lot of time yesterday staring at the computer screen and asking ourselves, 'What is the point of War Night's Morning Rory story?' Then after lunch we had a breakthrough and moved the plot along nicely. We shall continue moving the plot along today, also nicely. 

*If you think Jon Gruden was a good announcer, or if you enjoyed his announcing in any way, stop reading this blog immediately. 

1 comment:

  1. He was a bad broadcaster and a overrated coach and hell yes Eli should be in the hall of fame
