Sunday, September 22, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 9/22/24

Well, Mrs. Stroock's Penn State certainly took care of Kent State. We mention the otherwise uninteresting game because we saw a couple of Trump ads slamming Kamala Harris for wanting to provide transgendered surgery for illegal aliens in prison. The advert was unusually hard hitting for a GOP and one can bet John McCain or Mitt Romney wouldn't have run it.

Yesterday Israel lit up southern Lebanon, hitting hundreds of targets south of the Litani. Israelis in the north reported wave after wave of Israeli jets in the sky. Hezbollah retaliated with a rather weak and limp-wristed rocket barrage aimed east of Haifa, an area Hezbollah had not yet attacked. The barrage may have only been a test to see what the Israelis will do when Hezbollah hits a new area.  

This blog admits it is not impressed by Hezbollah's effort, not impressed at all. So far. We quote Theodin King, 'Is this it? Is this all you can do?'* We are in danger of underestimating Hezbollah. The airstrikes and rocket barrages continue today, and Netanyahu has promised fire and fury.  

Hezbollah is holding a funeral for the late Ibrahiim Aqil today. Our sources [Don't be impressed, he means Twitter guys like Israel Radar or Aurora Intel-Ed]think this will be the pretext for some terrorist operation. Prediction, Hezbollah will launch a cross-border raid, right into an Israeli ambush.**

Will' Good Idea for the week of 9/22/24. Sometimes we think about writing a series of modern war novels that takes place in a world exactly like our own with local versions of the major players. The great Guy Gavriel Kay did this with his Medieval parallel world in novels like The Last Light of the Sun, A Song for Arbonne, and The Lions of al Rassan. Actually, this is not a good idea at all. 

*And then Sauron blew a hole in the wall through which the Orcs poured. 

**More of a hope than a prediction.  

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